Calm down and let me soothe you

Do you ever feel like telling your digestive system to calm down? Maybe after a meal you are a bit bloated or you suffer from acid reflux?

Do you ever feel like telling your digestive system to calm down? Maybe after a meal you are a bit bloated or you suffer from acid re-flux? To be extreme, let’s just get down and dirty, maybe you suffer from IBS or IBD? This was me many years ago and I have changed many things in my life to get things to calm down. There is not just one thing that has helped me, there are multiple things that I attribute to finding my optimal health. However I would like to share with you one of the drinks I concocted along my journey to help calm my nerves and soothe my gut.

I would like to introduce you to Slippery Elm Bark Tea. Slippery Elm is extremely beneficial for gut health. It is known to soothe intestines, reduce acid re-flux and alleviate symptoms of IBS and IBD.

Are you feeling a sore throat coming on? Slippery Elm is also know for soothing a sore throat. It can reduce inflammation by coating lining of the throat and esophagus. You may find Slippery Elm in some throat lozenges and/or elixirs.

You will also find this tea contains coconut milk. Coconut milk is not only delicious it is incredibly beneficial when you are healing. Especially if you have a sweet tooth like I do. Coconut milk is rich in electrolytes. A fun fact about electrolytes are they support hydration and help the body produce energy. They're also responsible for stimulating muscle contractions, including those that keep your heart beating. Coconut milk also improves digestion and relieves constipation.

Something even sweeter is maple syrup with a dash of cinnamon. Oh my, the goodness that these two bring to this tea. Maple syrup is low on the glycemic index so if you are going to add sweetener, this is a good choice over refined sugar. It could still cause an elevation in blood sugar so that is why I added the cinnamon. Cinnamon improves sensitivity to insulin and can lower blood sugar. You can also add Monk Fruit or Stevia for nearly zero glycemic response.

There are so many health benefits to this tea and the very best one is the taste. After you add your cup of hot water to your other ingredients, stir it up completely and enjoy! This is comforting like a big mug of hot cocoa. This is designed to prevent fatigue, improve digestion, soothe a sore throat, reduce oxidative stress, decrease inflammation and best of all it tastes delicious!

Enjoy the recipe below and experience the calm...

Soothing Slippery Elm Tea

         1 Tbsp Slippery Elm Powder (slippery elm root powder)

         1 cup water, boiling

         2 Tbsp Coconut Milk

         A sprinkle of cinnamon or nutmeg

        1 Tbsp. Maple Syrup or Honey 

        Option for less of a glycemic response

        Omit syrup or honey and add 1 Tsp. Brown Monk Fruit


Pour boiling water in a mug.

Add slippery elm powder to half the amount of water and stir vigorously till dissolved. I like to use my milk frother.

Then add additional ingredients, according to your taste.